I have however, found a massive relief in shopping this week, after my state of turmoil over the lack of it in my life over the last month or so, managing to wittle far to much money on yet more things to add to my summer wardrobe. I do it because it makes me happy. Shopping makes me happy.
One of my investments was this little jumpsuit beauty from Miss Selfridge. (I literally never buy from here, but I couldn't help admist my mad adreniline rush to be shopping again, I pratically sprinted into every shop, rugby tackled the displays, just to find the next best thing to slip into my wardrobe.)
If you don't like patterned or daring peices I'm going to take a guess right now and say you hate this and would rather jump into a pool of blood thirsty sharks than wear this but I feel in love with it, so I am sorry if it hurts anyones eyes. I think it's so perfect for my holiday's this year as it can be worn in the day or dressed up with heels at night. This was far too much money for a penny less student to be spending but I need to treat myself...I did get some charity shops buys too today, so it balances out. Or at least I like to think anyway. My bank doesn't hate my that much; at least I am spending money to give back to them, even if I don't have it just yet.
I thought as I haven't been on here in a while I'd my own summer fashion tips...they are as follows:-
* STRAW HATS- Another little summer love of mine is the straw hat. Yes, granted it looks a bit like you have raided a farmers wardrobe BUT it also looks so cute! Personally, I would wear with demin shorts of something and also I think they look fabulous with a pair of bug sunnies. Or to be honest, I think you can pretty much wear it with anything. They have them everywhere at the moment for 5 or so pounds..can't really say no to such a bargin price can you.
* MAXI DRESSES- The amazing thing about maxi dresses is that you can find ones to suit every person! I for one have seriously short legs and curves that make my hips like the size of mount everest so the tigher, cotton like ones make me look like a whale. They a suitable for the super skinny, model like, girls! (Jelous if thats you). I tend to stick the the floaty ones with the more plunging neckline as they are far more flattering on me. There are so many different types out there you can do the headless chicken searching and find one to look perfect on you.

* CORAL- I am loving this whole coral makeup shabang! I brought the Barry M lipstick and nail varish a few weeks ago to veer away from my red look of the winter and I must say it is fantastic. Makes me feel so summery and with a bit of shimmer on the cheeks I'm ready to go.
* DEMIN DEMIN DEMIN- I love demin shorts for the summer. I think they are so easy to throw on with any top, tshirt or cardi and they always look effortless. I also must admit, while alot of people don't, I think double demin is seriously hot. I literally love it! I think it looks classic and yet so easy to wear. Demin shirt tucked into demin shorts with a tan belt and bag is in my opinion, beautiful. Or maybe a demin shirt open over demin shorts. There is alot of options. (and yes, I am loving the tan accessories too).

* SUNGLASSES- Do i need say more? My sunglasses pretty much stay glued to my face throughout summer. That is all.
There is so many other key things I could list and if I don't shutup this post will just ramble on and on and on and bore you all to tears. But I would also like to recommend: florals, pastels, tan bags, straw bags (although obviously not worn with the straw hat you're all going to buy), wedges, strips, sundresses and all the other beaaaaaautiful summery things you can think of!
That jumpsuit is Fabulous! The colours are fantastic!
I'm with you on the straw hats and coral trends. So easy to wear. However, I haven't quite found the perfect maxi dress yet. But the sun is still young. :)
Loved this post.
thankyou sweetie pie! x
I love the dress and ur blog! im following u know! check out my blog
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